Join ACES for a lecture from the Vice Chairman of BlackRock, Philipp Hildebrand. BlackRock, the world's largest asset manager, notably started the 2018 year off with a declaration to business leaders that their companies must contribute to society, not just make profits if they want to receive BlackRock's support. BlackRock additionally concludes that "investors can no longer ignore climate change," and that "climate-aware investing is possible without compromising on traditional goals of maximizing investment returns."* As Vice Chair of the corporation, Philipp has a deep understanding of this revolutionary investment mindset currently disrupting Wall Street. In his lecture, "Global Investing and Climate Change," Philipp will give his insight on the fascinating intersection of climate change, investments, and social responsibility.
*from BlackRock Investment Institute's Global Insights September 2016 Publication
Please walk, bike, bus, or carpool to Harris Hall. Limited parking available in the Benedict Music Tent parking lot at Third Street and Gillespie.
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