Formed in Brooklyn, the musical collective known as Antibalas’ new studio album, Where The Gods Are In Peace, is an epic Afro-Western Trilogy searching for solace from American political opportunism, greed and vengeance. Through its battle cry of resistance against exploitation and displacement, Antibalas’ long-form compositions investigate oppression in 1800s America that eerily mirror the current state of the country. Three explosive original arrangements cultivate an urgent call to heal a broken system.Ultimately, the sonic excursion lands on an island where love is our first instinct.A new ideology is born opening our hearts to the possibilities of living as one unified people, where all gods are equal and together we prevail.
Bud Light Hi-Fi Concert Series
January 12: DJ Z-Trip - Base Village, Snowmass
February 17: Cold War Kids - Aspen Mountain Gondola Plaza
March 24: Rebirth Brass Band- Base Village, Snowmass
March 30: Spoon - Downtown Aspen (Core)
March 31: Antibalas- Downtown Aspen (Core)