Shaolin Warriors is a unique show performed by masters of Kung fu. In this fully choreographed theatrical production, the performance brings the remarkable skill, stunning movement and death-defying martial-arts prowess to the stage.
Featuring rarely seen Buddhist meditation alongside deadly martial-arts expertise, this breathtaking extravaganza starring 20 Kung fu masters follows the journey from a young child’s initiation into the monastery, to achieving fully fledged warrior status through diligent training and study. From balancing on sharp metal spears to smashing marble slabs with sheer brutal strength, from the troupe’s incredible synchronization to their proficiency with 18 dangerous traditional weapons, the Shaolin Warriors will amaze audiences beyond the boundaries of their own belief.
To date, Shaolin Warriors has entertained more than one million audiences throughout the world.
As the original Kung fu spectacular, they have had audiences gasping in disbelief at the awe-inspiring demonstrations of hypnotic and death-defying feats.