Despite his relatively young age, recording artist Seth Glier is a seasoned troubadour. A singer-songwriter, producer and multi-instrumentalist who averages over 250 live performances annually, Seth has gone from opening act to headlining his own shows and playing major festivals. He’s shared the stage with artists as diverse as James Taylor, Ani DiFranco, Edwin McCain, Martin Sexton, Emmylou Harris and Ryan Adams, and has quickly become known for his passionate live sets and powerful command of both piano and guitar. No stranger to Aspen audiences, Glier has performed at the Wheeler multiple times before, including a guest performance with “American Idol” favorite Crystal Bowersox last year. Glier’s latest album, “Birds,” will be released on August 25.
On the Rise with Seth Glier
04:00 PM - 04:00 PM
320 East Hyman Avenue, Aspen, CO 81611
Aspen, CO 81611
United States
Admission Price: $25 GA
Phone: 970-920-5770