Going up? Uphilling has become a growing phenomenon in Aspen and a great way to earn your turns and get first tracks without the lifts. Whether you're just starting out or a seasoned professional, here are some helpful tips to set you "up" for success on this popular hobby.
How To Aspen Guides
Earn Your Turns
Getting started:
- West Buttermilk is great for beginners. Work your way up to Tiehack and Snowmass. Aspen Mountain is the most challenging.
- Friday morning uphill breakfast on Buttermilk is a great way to start uphilling.
- Carry a backpack with water, dry gloves, and room for your skins on the way down. If you’re going at night, remember a headlamp.
- When uphilling, start cool rather than bundled up—your movement will naturally warm you, and layering up later is easier than dealing with overheating and sweat, which drains energy and makes adjusting layers ineffective.
- When going up a steep section, don’t lean forward on your toes as you would hiking, push into your heels and stand up straight to keep the highest surface area pressure with the snow.
Backcountry Skiing is not the same as uphilling on the resort!

Uphill Policies:
- Stick to the side of the trail to stay out of the way. Leave the middle for downhill and maintenance traffic. If you see a snow cat or ski patrol snowmobile, move as far to the side of the trail as possible.
- Uphillers need to remain on designated, signed routes during operating hours. The designated route is outlined on all trail maps and marked by orange signs on the way up. During operating hours, the designated uphilling routes will be treated much like a ski trail with an open or closed sign signaling if access is available at that time.
- All uphillers should check the Aspen Snowmass App before heading out, to see if their selected route is open.
- Closures on the designated routes may be possible due to capacity challenges.
- Each mountain has its own designated routes and hours, be sure to be aware of the policy on the mountain you plan to uphill.
- Additional uphill policies