Maintaining a regular exercise routine is important for physical and mental health, especially while we are spending extra time at home to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Here in Aspen, we are fortunate to have a plethora of activities to do in nature including skiing, hiking, uphilling, etc. Here are a few tips on how to maintain safety and practice social distancing while exercising in the mountains.
- Keep a minimum 6-foot distance between yourself and other individuals. For reference, 6 feet is about the same size as one of your skis.
- When uphilling or hiking, look ahead and pace yourself when necessary so you can work out how to keep a 6-foot distance between yourself and others.
- Think carefully about where you go and prioritize avoiding crowds. If you see a full parking lot or congregating crowds, head to an alternative less crowded area.
- When possible, plan your workouts at a less popular time. Early in the morning or later in the afternoon are good options.
- Instead of planning your activity at more popular Aspen spots such as Smuggler or Hunter Creek, try more isolated trails. Independence Pass, East of Aspen Trail, and Ashcroft are excellent cross-country skiing alternatives.
- Avoid activities with higher risk. Hospitals are currently overwhelmed and it's vital for people who don't need emergency care to avoid taxing their resources further.
- Try isolated workouts or limit your group to people in your household. This will help prevent crowding on various Aspen locations. When working out alone, text a friend and let them know where you’ll be and for how long.
- Stay sanitary. Wash your hands before, during, and after you go. Avoid touching rails or any other object during your activity.
- Wear a mask when unable to maintain a 6ft distance from others.
If anyone in your household has COVID-19 symptoms or tested positive, stay home and avoid a potential spread.
For more COVID-19 resources click here.